Monday, 2 May 2016

Sporting Events

Having researched several sports photographers such as Steve Bonini and Adam Pretty, I came away quite uninspired; great photographers as they are, their style doesn’t really fit with what I am aiming to achieve. The editorial style, required in advertising a brand uses posed subjects, styled lighting and heavy editing which for me, removes the grit and character which I aim to show in my work.

A broader search lead me to coverage of lesser known sporting events around the world in which photographers really honed in on the action. The Guardian covers two Italian sporting traditions, Calcio Storico and Battle of the Oranges, both shot by a selection of photographers for Reuters and Getty Images.

Calcio Storico, heralded as the most brutal sport on earth is an ancient form of football from the 16th century. In teams of 27, using both feet and hands, players are allowed to headbutt, punch, elbow, and choke opponents in a bid to win the game.

The heat of the day and a sense of determination is clear as the team prepare for the final - Justin Setterfield

Although the main focus is on the centre character, this image highlights the risks involved in such a brutal event - Justin Setterfield

Light filters through as players fight for possession of the ball - Justin Setterfield

Action shots show the true emotions felt as the match progresses - Justin Setterfield

Italy's 'battle of the oranges' carnival marks a rebellion against tyrannical lords who ruled the Italian town of Ivrea in the Middle Ages. The oranges represent the swords and crossbows that would were historically used.

An upward perspective gives a feeling of power as participants prepare for battle - Marco Bertorelli

The edge of the truck divides the two teams; an image of hope as a tyrannical lord takes a blow to the face - Marco Bertorelli

The face of death hovers over guards in battle dress as one takes a blow to the head - Stephano Rellandini

Time stands still as a battler runs and orange hover mid flight. This image is reminiscent of a superhero film - Stephano Rellandini

Far removed from the technical images used in sports photography, these examples of events photography give a real sense of occasion. Power, determination and celebration represent the true nature of these most brutal events.

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